Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cherating to Merang

Day 16: Cherating

Decide to take a trip to Cukai today to find a cycle shop to get our babies serviced. Unfortunately, Cukai cycle shops only sell cycles;they do not service them. Damn. We will just have to do it ourselves. But tomorrow – we're knackered now. Head back to Cherating, and Lee gets a flat tyre again, although this time, the fault lies with Halfords, as the seam has split at the bottom of the valve. Tried fixing it at roadside, but eventually had to replace the inner tube. Only one left now, da da daaaaaaaaa. Made it back to Cherating for 3pm and time to head for the beach.
After kipping for while, we awaken to hear two blokes discussing something in the sea. I'm a pretty good swimmer, but not stupid – I've seen the rip tide. But if it's someone in trouble I'm gonna try and help. I ask them where he is, and when pointed out, I can't see anything. I'm looking too far out – there's something in the water closer to shore and as I start to make my way down, it becomes clear that it's a person, so I'm running into the sea, screaming for Lee, and about waist height, he's there face down in the water. I'm scared to turn him over but I do. Lee and I pull him out. He's not breathing and Lee starts CPR but it becomes clear that it's not working and that he's passed away. We're worried that his family are looking for him. Everyone looks pretty shocked and we're devastated to hear that he was spotted 20 minutes earlier, but no-one did anything.

Not a good day. We've given our details to the local police and are thinking about leaving Cherating in the morning.

Kilometres: 30

Total Kilometres: 532

Day 17: Cherating

We've heard that he was European, holidaying on his own, and was staying at a chalet down the road from us. The Malaysian embassy are in the process of contacting his. We don't know his name. We don't want to go back to the beach, so the day is spent in the chalet and in restaurants. We have a massage booked at 4pm – it turns out to be fabulous, if a little intimate!!! Lee spends 2 hours cleaning the bikes; they look like new and will hopefully last us to Kuala Terrangganu, where we'll get them booked in for a proper going over. We head to Kemasik tomorrow, approximately 30km up the road and a flat ride (according to mum and dad).

Kilometres: 0

Total Kilometres: 532

Day 18: Cherating to Kertih

At 7.30am, paying for our stay at Tanjung Villa's, it was pointed out to me that we had said we would spend 5 nights; last night being our fourth. “No” I said, “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, ahhhh”. Now my maths skills have never been good, and I again apologise to my parents for forking out hard earned cash for private tuition lessons. Funny thing is though, Lee Lee didn't even spot it.

We left anyway, no point being somewhere you can't really enjoy yourself, and we head off to Kermasik. We cycle straight there, taking 3hrs and 45km. On the way, we meet the biggest lizard to date; it's about four foot long, playing “chicken” between two lanes on Highway 3. We tell it to stop messing about, but it doesn't listen and we don't wait for the inevitable;it'll be gross. When we get to Kermasik, it's little more than a dusty road with a field of houses attached, but the view from the shore is wonderful; the sea is crystal clear and the sand bright yellow. No accommodation though. We press on to Kertih, another 15km, and we're pleased to hear that there are plenty of hostels/hotels there. However, we're also informed that in the district of Terengganu, the working week is Monday to Thursday (lucky buggers). Hardly anywhere is open and most places are full. We have to fork out 80RM for a room, but it's got a bath and satellite TV (woohoo). Two meals of Nasi Goreng Ayam (fried rice with chicken) as there's not much else that won't burn the roof of your mouth off, a sneaky McFlurry from the local McDonalds and we head for bed.

Kilometres: 62 (we took a wrong turn and headed inland for a bit)

Total Kilometres: 594

Day 19: Kertih to Dungun

Earlyish start from Kertih, leaving at 9am. Not much to report – flat terrain through to Dungun. Only one hotel open to us – the second reminded us of Pekan, and although it was 15RM, we decided on the one with aircon in the centre of town for 65RM. Like Nemasi and Kermasik, we're disappointed that there are no hostels on the beach road – it's so beautiful; but maybe there isn't much demand here. We try to get our bikes seen to, but the local cycle shops seem apprehensive in dealing with more then one cog. We'll have to wait until we get to Kuala Terangganu. It would appear that Dungun does not receive many foreign visitors – it feels like we're on the wrong side of the bars at a zoo. Everyone is staring (sometimes even following us) and it does get a little tiresome – we have to remind ourselves that we are guests in their country and remain calm and collected. We'll leave in the morning and head for Merang.

Kilometres: 45

Total Kilometres: 639

Day 20: Dungun to Merang

60km completed today on flat terrain and we arrived in Merang at 4pm. Digs found at Merang Guest House and Restaurant, but later discovered they didn't actually have a restaurant. Strange. Best Nasi Goreng Ayam to date found a little way down the road for 11RM (£2.20) for both of us. Under budget today for the first time in ages – we're trying to claw back some of it day by day.

Kilometres: 60

Total Kilometres: 699

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kuala Rompin to Cherating

Day 11: Kuala Rompin to Pekan

Pekan is 94km away and we don't think we'll make it. There's a small village called Nemasi halfway which we thought might be a viable option for a bed for the night, but when we get there, it's a dusty shambles of a place and we decide to try and make the full ride to Pekan. No cycling between 11am and 3pm means we didn't get to Pekan until 6.00pm, Apparently the Prime Minister of Malaysia, who hails from Pekan, is visiting tomorrow and the only digs available are above a Chinese restaurant for 20RM per night (about $7.50), and it is disgusting. Back to nasty, with cockroaches, squat toilets and no running water. In the middle of the night, Lee awakens to find a Malaysian fellow poking his head through our window.

Kilometres: 97

Total kilometres: 410

Day 12: Pekan to Kuantan

Leave early am. In anticipation of the PM's visit to Pekan, all the roads have been tarred overnight and it stinks. Everyone is out in force, with Malaysians lining the street, waving flags, to greet the politician. Lee and I decide to pretend that they're seeing us off instead. A very kind man and his daughter riding a moped hand us cans of soft drinks while we're cycling. It's extremely hot, but at times overcast, which means we were able to get to Kuantan early ish, bar a puncture on Lee's back tyre, 5 km from our destination. Kate loses her cycle pedometer (dammit). As the tourist info centre has closed, it's up to us to find a hostel, and we're directed to the Oriental Evergreen by a policeman, who checks on us later to make sure we found it. We book for 2 nights at 35RM per night, unpack, rest and head off to the shopping centre for supplies and find the Pizza Hut offers free Wifi. Pizza for dinner then.

Kilometres: 51

Total Kilometres: 461

Day 13: Kuantan

Like any good Sunday, today is a day of rest for Kate and Lee Lee.

Kilometres: 0

Total Kilometres: 461

Day 14: Kuantan to Cherating

We haven't got a pedometre anymore (sob) so we have to rely on road signs for distance. We leave Kuantan at about 11.30am after Kate refuses to get out of bed at 7.00am. Very hot weather today, sweating our knackers off from the start. It's about 41 km to Cherating and it's a flat ride all the way, bar three big hills out of Kuantan. Cue numerous stops along the way for Kopi Sejuk (Iced Coffee), about every 10km and we reach Cherating around 2.30pm. Time to check out the digs. First place close to the beach at 70RM, but we come across Tanjung Villas' a little further down the beach, which has beautiful chalets for 120RM per night. I reminded Lee that my dad had told us that the were getting a rebate on our Council Tax and we decide to splash out. Barter down to 100RM per night for 5 nights, and we're set to sunbathe. (Kerry, as requested; tonight we ate chinese food; chicken fried rice, tidak pedas (no spice) lovely!)

Kilometres: 41

Total Kilometres: 502

Day 15: Cherating

No cycling today, bar 4km up and down Cherating's main street checking out restaurants and places with wifi.

Highlight of the day: fresh BBQ'd fish loaded with garlic, fried rice and fried mixed vegetables. Yummy.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mersing to Kuala Rompin

Day 6: Mersing to Kg Koya Papan (eventually Penyabong)

After leaving Mersing at 8.00am, only a few kilometers down the road, the heavens opened and we were stuck in a bus stop for the best part of two hours. Typical.

We never did find Kg Koya Papan, instead directed by ever friendly but mistaken locals to the more popular Air Papan. Air Papan was not to Kate's liking and by the time we'd cycled another 20km we decided that we'd missed the turnoff to Koya Papan and instead would head to Penyabong on the coast. Along Highway 3 was a advertisement for a campsite, and we headed there. Unfortunately, this meant going back on ourselves down a B road, and on reaching the site, Lee said it reminded him of both band camp in American Pie and one of the “Jason” films. Not stopping there then.

After several breaks due to the heat, we reached Penyabong around 6pm and headed to Zul's Place, recommended to us by a local. Did not stay out much here cos everyone (bar Zul) was incredibly unfriendly.

Kilometers: 55

Total Kilometers:281

Day 7: Penyabong to Kuala Rompin

Today was spent looking for a comfortable place to rest our bottoms, having cycled for 6 days. We were hoping to get to Lamput and Rompin Beach but made it only to Kuala Rompin. We found 4 star Rompin Beach Resort and the proprietor offered a special rate of £21 per night including breakfast for a four night stay in a beautiful chalet room. Bargain. The resort has a swimming pool but no sun loungers or umbrellas. Strange. The Food and Beverage manager, Azaman Atan (a huge Liverpool fan) is extremely helpful, as is the resort manager, Razali Rahman, giving us the website of other cyclists who have been here previously for route tips and helping us source DEET. The resort also has wifi,and allows us to contact our family and friends back home.

Kilometres: 35

Total Kilometers: 316

Day 8, 9 and 10: Kuala Rompin

Beach, pool and Beach again

Kilometers: 0

Total Kilometers: 316

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pictures: Singapore to Mersing

Pictures: Singapore to Mersing

Day 1 - 5

Day One: Manchester to Singapore

After a 22 hour journey to Singapore we were hardly in any position, willing or not, to assemble our bikes and ride the East Coast Parkway to our hostel. Even our jammy upgrade to business class on our last leg could not persuade us to attempt such a ridiculous move. Besides, we had no map of Singapore and feared getting lost, which on our first day would have been too much to bear. Instead, we forked out for a mini van taxi and arrived at Frankel Hostel in the Bedak district of Singapore (carrying two bikes plus luggage to a third floor room!). Not much more to report from day 1; most the remaining afternoon was spent searching for ATM's and food.

Total kilometres: 12074 (only kidding; 0 miles)

Day Two: Singapore

Cycled to the south coast of Singapore and along the parkway; amazing views to the port, where the repercussions of the global downturn were also evident; literally hundreds of tankers and other vessels empty of cargo. We noticed many tents along the shore. We had heard that camping was allowed on weekends and national holidays but after consulting a passing police officers, we were informed that camping in this area, however beautiful, took a downturn at night with drugs, alcohol, fighting, theft and general unpleasantness. We decided not to pitch up. Bit of sightseeing around Singapore City later in the afternoon and we were whacked.

Total kilometres: 20

Day Three: Singapore to Johor Baruh

Left Frankel Hostel at a very early 7am – we had decided to go for it early as we had experienced the midday sun the day before and it was unbearable. The ride through Singapore was busy, but drivers were polite and courteous. Arrived at Malaysian border around 12pm and bagged ourselves a 3 month tourist visa (free). Our happy situation nosedived after this; got horribly lost in JB, nowhere sold a bloody map and we were given a bible by a Jehovah's Witness. After dining at a street stall, we were given directions by three Chinese fellas to Highway Three which leads to our next destination, Mersing. However, after experiencing JB traffic, with what we can only describe as the M6 doubled, we called it a day about 3 kilometers north of JB's centre. Whilst Lee Lee looked after the bikes, I looked at hostel rooms; the first was unbelievably disgusting (mattress on floor, moudly walls, questionable lighting and air-con) and eventually we had to settle for what I can only describe as a bail hostel and in the middle of the night, we met our first cockroach. Gross.

Kilometers: 53

Total kilometers cycled: 73

Day Four: Johor Baruh to Kota Tinggi

Oh my God................. after experiencing JB traffic yesterday, we decided to take the back roads to the furthest point to Highway Three of our (crappy) JB map. Big mistake. Big. Huge (guess the film). Although prior to the mellee, we enjoyed Kopi Sedak (ice coffee) with some locals, approximately 20 minutes later, we were in hell. After a wrong turn we found ourselves on Highway 17 with no way back and had a nightmare with heavy articulated traffic, precarious crossing of roads, and dogs chasing us. In a state of desperation, we flagged a taxi, who kindly escorted us to the right path, where we headed for the Carrefore shopping complex, and a way back to Highway 3. However, having filled up on supplies, we saw that to to get to Kota Tinggi, we had to cross three lanes of city traffic, travelling about 70mph. No way. After a desolate hour spent in a bus stop considering our options, we decided we had only one; not getting ourselves squished. No highway for us. Next stop the local police station; surely they could help? Wrong. After giving them their giggles for the day, we remained at square one. Next stop, an international hotel, who were much more obliging in supplying us with back road directions to our destination. However, this still led us to Highway 3, but luckily after the monstrous sight from the bus stop, and it soon became a dual carriageway and easier to navigate. However, we spotted a dog on the side of the highway, which following yesterday's experience, brought us to a nervous halt. After a few minutes deliberating at a safe distance, we decided the dog was not moving well and had likely been hit by traffic. We were safe, although it was difficult leaving a stricken animal. However, as Lee Lee says, it's a dog eat dog world. We arrived in Kota Tinggi, knackered and hungry at 7pm.

Kilometers: 81

Total kilometers: 154

Day Five: Kota Tinggi to Mersing

Mr Pumpy said Malaysia was flat. I want to find Mr Pumpy and rip his balls off. Malaysia is not flat, it is full of hills, big rolling buggers with no end in sight. We even get no pleasure out of the downhill bits cos what goes down, must come up. After 72 kilometers, we're done and we hitch a lift to Mersing on the back of a pick up truck. Whilst waiting for this, we're stalked by a wild boar.

Kilometers: 72

Total kilometers: 226

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hey Guys,

Just a note to say we have arrived at our start point in Singapore, we are both fit and well and raring to go. Well actually we are both knackered and our going to sleep for a while and start the adventure tomorrow.
catch up with you all later.